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Abstract : Programme : Organizing Committee : Participants : Travel to Sibiu: Travel in Sibiu : Poster : Pictures :Proceedings
7 th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology
Al 7-lea Colocviu internaţional de arheologie funerară
Topic : “The society of the living – the community of the dead”
(from Neolithic to the Christian era)
(din neolitic la epoca creştină)
Sibiu 6-9 october / octombrie 2005
Thursday, 6 October, 2005 - Hours / Orele10,00 -16,00 - Arrival and accomodation - Hotel SPORT Sibiu / Sosirea şi cazarea participanţilor – Hotel SPORT Sibiu - Hours / orele 17.00 – 19.00: - Official Welcome, Muzeul Brukenthal - Baroc salon (click for panoramic view of salon), (click for the map) / Deschiderea oficială a colocviului, Muzeul Brukenthal - Salonul Baroc; Cuvântări de salut: organizatori, autorităţi, oaspeţi - Hour / ora 19.30: Cocteil at Buonavista Banqueting Restaurant |
Friday /Vineri, 7 october / octombrie, 2005- Hours / Orele 7.00-8.00 - Breakfast / Micul dejun - Hours / Orele 9.00-13.00 - Session work (held in Faculty of History and Patrimonium, room 35) / Lucrări în plen (Facultatea de Istorie şi Patrimoniu, sala 35, see on the map Universitatea) - Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Suciu (Sibiu – România) – La nécropole appartenante à la culture Turdaş trouvée à Orăştie-Dealul Pemilor, point X 2 (see abstract) - Stănică Pandrea (Brăila – România) – Unusual inhumations in Gumelnitsa settlements in Southeastern Romania (see abstract) - Horia Ciugudean (Alba Iulia – România) – Early Bronze Age Burials and Settlements in the Ampoi valley (see abstract) - Valeriu Cavruc (Sfântu Gheorghe – România) – Bronze Age isolated graves within the settlements in Eastern Transilvania (see abstract) - Cristian Schuster
und Catalina Semuc (Bucureşti – România) – Zu den Siedlungen und
Bestattungen der Frühbronzezeit in Rumänien (see
- Adrian Georgescu, Andrei Gonciar, Ovidiu Calborean (Sibiu – România) – Considerations regarding a Noua culture tomb, discovered in Valea Viilor, Sibiu county (see abstract) - Lyubava Konova (Sofia – Bulgaria) – Goddesses or Mortals. Some Remarks on the Iconography and Symbolism of the Female Heads on Red-figure Vases from the Necropolis of Apollonia Pontica (see abstract) - Diana Gergova (Sofia – Bulgaria) – The Eternity of a Burial Rite.The Throne and the Sitting Dead (see abstract)- Discussions / Discuţii Hours / Orele 14.00 – Lunch / Masa de prânz Hours / Orele 16.00-19.00 - Session work (held in Faculty of History and Patrimonium, room 35) / Lucrări în plen (Facultatea de Istorie şi Patrimoniu, sala 35, see on the map Universitatea) - Dragoş Diaconescu (Hunedoara – România) – An inhumation grave belonging to Basarabi culture discovered at Hunedoara-Grădina Castelului (see abstract) - Jan Bouzek (Praga – Republica Cehă), Lidia Domaradzka (Sofia – Bulgaria) – Social structure in central Thrace, 6 th-3rd century B.C. (see abstract) - Ion Niculiţă, Tudor Arnăut (Chişinău – Republica Moldova) – Le monde de vivants, le monde de morts reflétés dans l’idéologie funéraire (see abstract) - Sergei Skory ( Kiev – Ucraina) – The „House of the Dead” in the Funeral Rites of European Scythia (see abstract) - Yuriy Boltryk ( Kiev – Ucraina) –Remains of funeral train in Scythian barrows (see abstract) - Lucian Vaida (Bistriţa – România) – Celtic settlements and necropolises in North-Eastern Transilvania (see abstract) - Ferencz Iosif Vasile (Deva – România) – Des habitats et des nécropoles. Quelques considérations à travers des découvertes archéologiques de La Tène B 2-C 1 sur le cours moyen du Mureş (see abstract) - Discussions / Discuţii - Hours / Orele 19.30 – Dinner at Bufniţa restaurant, Sibiu / Masa de seară – restaurant BUFNIŢA, Sibiu - (click for the map). |
Saturday / Sâmbătă, 8 october / octombrie, 2005- Hours / Orele 7.00-8.00 - Breakfast / Micul dejun - Hours / Orele 9.00-13.30 - Session work (held in Faculty of History and Patrimonium, room 35 see on the map Universitatea) / Lucrări în plen (Facultatea de Istorie şi Patrimoniu, sala 35) - Tomasz Bochnak (Polonia) –Panoplie de guerrier et tombe de guerrier. Probleme de la pertinence des trouvailles sepulcrales (d'apres des exemples de culture de Przeworsk au II-I av. J.C.) (see abstract) - Valeriu Sîrbu, Margareta Arsenescu ( Brăila , Bucureşti – România) – Dacian settlements and necropolises in South-Western Romania (2nd c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.) (see abstract) - Valeriu Sîrbu, Sabin Adrian Luca, Cristian
Roman, Silviu Purece (Brăila, Sibiu, Hunedoara – România) – Dacian
settlement and children necropolis of Hunedoara-Grădina Castelului.
An unic discovery in the Dacian world (see
- Tina Martis, Michalis Zoitopoulos, Aris Tsaravopoulos, (Atena – Grecia) – Antikythera – An Early Hellenistic Cemetery of a Pirate’s Lair (see abstract) - Mihaela Simion, Paul Damian (Bucureşti – România) – Kastelum Ansium – An archaeological complex at Roşia Montană (economic area, settlement, sacred zone, necropolis) (see abstract) - Discussions / Discuţii - Hours / Orele 14.00-22.00 – Field Trip at Valea Viilor, Moşna / Excursie documentară – Valea Viilor, Moşna |
Sunday / Duminică, 9 october / octombrie, 2005- Hours / Orele 7.00-8,00 - Breakfast / Micul dejun - Hours / Orele 9.00-11.00 –Session work (held in Faculty of History and Patrimonium, room 35) / Lucrări în plen (Facultatea de Istorie şi Patrimoniu, sala 35) - Alexandru Sonoc (Sibiu – România) – Betrachtungen bezüglich der Gräber mit Charonsmünzen aus den Gräberfelder Apulum I und II (see abstract) - Aris Tsaravopoulos, Nikoleta Pirou (Atena – Grecia), Cătălin Ovidiu Bojică (Romania) – Antikythera: An Early Hellenistic Cemetery of a Pirate’s Lair The Byzantine Settlement on the Antikythira Island (Grece) (see abstract) - Ion Tentiuc (Chişinău – Republica Moldova) – Le rapport entre l’établissement et la nécropole dans les sites de l’espace est-carpatique aux X e-XII e siècles (see abstract) - Silviu Oţa (Bucureşti – România) - The Relations between the Settlements and Necropolises on the Territory of Banat (XIth-XIIIth Centuries) (see abstract) - Discussions / Discuţii - Hours / Orele 11.00-12.30 – Round Table: Accomplishements and perspectives in the research and protection of funerary monuments in the Eastern, Southeastern and Central Europe / Masă rotundă : Realizări şi perspective în cercetarea şi protecţia monumentelor funerare din estul, sud-estul şi centrul Europei. - Hours / Orele 13.00-14.00 – Lunch / Masa de prânz. - Hours / Orele 15.00 – Departure / Plecarea participanţilor |
President of the 30th Commission, Dr. Valeriu SÎRBU Secretary General of the Colloquium, Prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian LUCA Secretaries: Adrian GEORGESCU, Ovidiu CALBOREAN
We propose, for the Colloquium, to analyze one of the most important and fascinating relations, present since the dawn of mankind: the relation between the “society of the living” and the “community of the dead”. The analysis of this phenomenon, one that has lasted for over 5 millennia, will allow us to observe the elements of continuity, in particular at the level of mentalities, but also the elements of discontinuity, visible mainly in the actual manifestations (funerary rites and rituals, inventory and offerings). |
International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) The 30th comission |
"Lucian Blaga" University Sibiu Research Centre: |
SIBIU History Museum (MNBS) |
Directia judeţeană pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional Sibiu (DJCCPCNJS) |
For further information, please contact:
Prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca: E - mail: sabinadrianluca@hotmail.com
Dr. Valeriu SIRBU: E - mail: valeriu_sirbu@yahoo.co.uk