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Abstract : Programme : Organizing Committee : Participants : Travel to Sibiu: Travel in Sibiu : Poster
7 th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology
Al 7-lea Colocviu internaţional de arheologie funerară
Topic : “The society of the living – the community of the dead” (from Neolithic to the Christian era)
Sibiu 6-9 october / octombrie 2005
The Relations between the Settlements
and Necropolises on the
Territory of Banat (11h-13th Centuries) (abstract)
Silviu Oţa (Bucharest
– Romania)
The archaeological research concentrates its purposes, for the territory
of Banat, especially in the study of necropolises and less in the
study of contemporary settlements. Even the archaeological inventory
discovered in a settlement is less known or published, due to the
absence of systematical research. There are also necropolises or contemporary
settlements destroyed due to the human interferences. As a result
of all these facts, a research concerning the relation between necropolises
and settlements on the territory of Banat requires a special proceeding
of study. |
International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) The 30th comission |
"Lucian Blaga" University Sibiu Research Centre: |
SIBIU History Museum (MNBS) |
Directia judeţeană pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional Sibiu (DJCCPCNJS) |
For further information, please contact:
Prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca: E - mail: sabinadrianluca@hotmail.com
Dr. Valeriu SIRBU: E - mail: valeriu_sirbu@yahoo.co.uk