Editorial Board
Current Issue

East-West Cultural Passage

East-West Cultural Passage - No 16/2016 Issue 1

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ForewordThe Editors 5
“… these foolish, yet dangerous Books”: Fashionable Sociability and the Circulating Library in Classic Modernity MIHAELA IRIMIA 9
Reading Early Modern Theatrical Performance and a Skimmington at Horn Fair: Evidence from Sibiu MICHAEL HATTAWAY 36
Shakespeare Performances in 18th and 19th Century Sibiu/Hermannstadt MĂDĂLINA NICOLAESCU 64
Shakespearean Matters Reread in the Dramatic Musical Adaptations of Romeo and Juliet ALINA BOTTEZ 79
Quixotic Readers of Human Nature; Or, the Misprisions of Sympathy in Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling DRAGOŞ IVANA 99
William Blake's “The Tyger” as an Expression of the Reader's Futile Search for Authorial Intent ANDREEA PARIS 110
Reading the Bible with and against the Oppressor: Nineteenth-Century Slavery and Scriptural (Ab)uses ESTELLA ANTOANETA CIOBANU 120
German-American Religious and Ethnic Bridges: The Rhetoric of German Readers for Catholic Schools in the United States (1870-1910) ANCA-LUMINIŢA IANCU 144
Reflexivity in Filmic and Literary Fiction: Marc Forster's Stranger than Fiction and Robert Grudin's Book CORINA SELEJAN 164
Senior Attachment or What Love Turns Into SORIN ŞTEFĂNESCU 183
Notes on Contributors  195
Guidelines for Contributors