Editorial Board
Current Issue

East-West Cultural Passage

East-West Cultural Passage - No 13/2013 Issue 2

Click here to download abstracts in .pdf!
ForewordThe Editors 5
Cultural Identity Crisis: A Colonialist Reading of Joyce's "The Sisters" ROOHOLLAH DATLI BEIGI and PYEAAM ABBASI7
"Local Sentiments and Global Spectacle: Deewar and Slumdog Millionaire" SWARNAVEL ESWARAN PILLAI 23
Green Politics:(Re)Writing Environmental Heritage in Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh MARCEL EBLIYLU NYANCHI53
Writing Back: Identity and Representation in The Journal of Dracula ANCA-LUMINIŢA IANCU 72
Uniquely Villainous: Marlowe’s Barabas as an evil trickster in a Machiavellian World NIZAR ZOUIDI 90
Schizophrenia and Double Consciousness in American and African-American Fiction: The Case of Richard Wright and Saul Bellow NJUME EMMANUEL EKINDESONE 109
Does Women’s Breaking Silence Matter Anyway? A Critical Reading of Selected Asian-(American) Works LAMIA KHALIL HAMMAD126
A Feminist Reading of Autobiography: Is it Possible to Be White, Black and Jewish and Have a Unified Concept of Self? GÖNÜL BAKAY144
Notes on Contributors  160
Guidelines for Contributors  164