ISSN 1583-1817
Funerary Practices in Europe, before and after the Roman Conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD)
Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium
of Funerary Archaeology
Editor: Sabin Adrian LUCA (Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, România);
Members: Paul NIEDERMAIER (member of Romanian Academy); Dumitru PROTASE (Honorary member of Romanian Academy); Michael WHITE (Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom); Krum BACVAROV (Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria); Zeno-Karl PINTER („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, România); Marin CÂRCIUMARU („Valahia” University of Târgovişte, România); Nicolae URSULESCU („Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, România); Gheorghe LAZAROVICI („Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa, România);
Secretary: Cosmin Ioan SUCIU („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, România) |
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis I
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis II
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis III
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis IV
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis V
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis V.1
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis VI |
(all files are in PDF format, you need Adobe Reader to see them)
Introduction (Valeriu Sîrbu, Sabin Adrian Luca)
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Ágnes Alföldy-Găzdac, Szilamér Pánczél, Lóránt Vass, Cristian Găzdac, István Bajusz, Nicolae Gudea, Project “Necropolis Porolissensis”. Methods and perspectives (pdf) |
Georgi Atanasov, Anneau d’or avec camée provenant de la tombe des martyrs de Durostorum du début du IV siècle (pdf) |
Tomasz Bochnak, Les enclos quadrangulaires en Pologne. IVe siècle avant. J.-C. – IIe siècle après J.-C. (pdf) |
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Jan Bouzek, Lidia Domaradzka, Tradition of Ethnic Identity in the Funeral Rites during the History of the Roman Empire: the Case of Thrace (pdf) |
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Iosif Vasile Ferencz, La Tène C1 Funerary Discoveries on the Middle Mureş Course (pdf) |
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Alexander Minchev, Funerary Practices and Grave Types of 2nd- 3rd C. AD in the Roman Cemeteries of Marcianopolis (Devnya, Bulgaria) (pdf) |
Ion Niculiţă, Contributions made to the Study of the Burial rite performed by the Communities inhabiting East of the Carpathians in 3rd c. B.C. - 3rd c. A.D. (pdf) |
Liana Oţa, Busta in Moesia Inferior (pdf) |
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Sotiris Y. Raptopoulos, Aris Tsaravopoulos, Gely Fragou, Three Monumental Tombs from Western Locris and Aitolia (Central Greece) (Late Classical / Early Hellenistic – Roman Imperial periods) (pdf) |
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Pavel Sankot, Le rite funéraire de nécropoles laténiennes en Bohême |
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Vane P. Sekulov, Marjan Jovanov, Graves with Round Stone Wreaths from the Roman Imperial Period in Eastern Macedonia (pdf) |
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Mihaela Simion, Paul Damian, Funerary Practices in the Necropolises belonging to the Ancient Communities of Roman Period at Alburnus Maior (pdf) |
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Valeriu Sîrbu, Sabin Adrian Luca, Cristian Roman, Tombs of Dacian Warriors (2nd - 1st c. BC) found in Hunedoara - Grădina Castelului (Hunedoara county) (pdf) |
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Alexandru Gh. Sonoc, Gräberlose toten, totenlose Gräber. Einige Betrachtungen zur Frage der Kenotaphen aus den Provinzkialrömischen Gräberfelder aus Dakien(pdf) |
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Radmila Zotović, Social and Cultural Aspects of the Burial "Krajčinovići-Slana voda" (south-west of Serbia, middle of II c. B.C.)(pdf) |
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