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Volume 5, December 2004
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›Volume 1, 1999
Explicitation: A Translation
Technique |
Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
This article may be regarded as an attempt to integrate the issue of translating
presuppositions as a type of meaning at the borderline between semantics and
pragmatics with the acquisition of translation techniques in general and of
explicitation in particular. As in the case of other terms in translation theory
such as “translation loss” and “translation gain” for example, the literature on
the issue of translation techniques reflects a lack of agreement on terminology.
As regards explicitation as a central technique in translating presuppositions,
the contrast expressed in terms of “optional explicitation” and “obligatory
explicitation” by certain researchers and practitioners in the field turns out
to be a theoretical construct. On a more practical level, the adequate use of
various translation techniques is a landmark of professional translator
behaviour, which any translation teaching context is expected to encourage.
Translation techniques and strategies, pragmatic/
semantic translation, presupposition, compensation, optional explicitation,
obligatory explicitation, professional translator behaviour