› Current Issue


  › Volume 5, December 2004
Volume 24, 2015
 ›Volume 23, 2014
 ›Volume 22, 2014
 ›Volume 21, 2013
Volume 20, 2013
 ›Volume 19, 2012
 ›Volume 18, 2012
 ›Volume 17, 2011
 ›Volume 16, 2011
 ›Volume 15, 2010

 Volume 14, 2010
Volume 13, 2009
 ›Volume 12, 2009
 ›Volume 11, 2008
Volume 10, 2008
 ›Volume 9, 2007
 ›Volume 8, 2007

 Volume 7, 2006
 Volume 6, 2005
 Volume 5, 2004
 Volume 4, 2001
 Volume 3, 2000
 Volume 2, 1999
 Volume 1, 1999


American, British and Canadian Studies

Editorial Review Policy

ABC depends on the scholarly review process for the selection for publication of quality manuscripts in line with the highest academic standards. Appropriateness for inclusion of an article in the journal is given by the soundness of the article’s academic standards, the strength of the body of research endorsing it, novelty and the spectrum of interest of the journal.
Reviewer selection is essential to the review process. Consequently, our choice of peer-reviewers is based on several complex factors, ranging from area of expertise,
credentials, availability and willingness to devote time to the fair assessment of
manuscripts as well as our previous experience with the individual.

All scholarly eligible manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication in ABC are refereed. The review process is
blind: manuscripts that meet the preliminary
requirements of suitability for the review process are assigned a reference number,
ABC-XXX and are sent out to subject specialists for reviewing anonymously. Only
manuscripts assessed as likely to meet ABC criteria upon initial screening are sent for formal review. Based on the referees’ reading reports, articles will be acceptable,
acceptable with revisions (as per the report from the referee) or rejected. The review process will typically take between 45-60 days. The referees’ comments are forwarded to authors in view of appropriate revision. The referees’ comments on rejected manuscripts shall be forwarded to authors upon request. The identity of the referee is kept confidential and we leave it up to the reviewers to choose whether or not to reveal themselves to the corresponding author.
We reserve the right not to include revised articles that do not fully respond to the alterations suggested by the reviewer. The final decision regarding publication rests with the EIC (Editor-in-Chief). An accepted manuscript will subsequently be forwarded to the Manuscript Editor for final processing.
Finally a letter of acceptance is sent to the authors, requesting all authors to sign the license to publish form and at this stage submit any final supplementary material
required. Authors will be asked to complete and return the online copyright license to publish form on receipt of accepted manuscript. It is a condition of publication in the ABC journal that authors grant an exclusive license to The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, AASR. Requests from third parties to reproduce articles will be handled with utmost efficiency in the best interest of our contributing authors and of the wide dissemination of knowledge. In assigning the license, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and Lucian Blaga University Press, on behalf of The Academic Anglophone Society of Romania, is pre-notified in writing.
 Webmasters: Neic Rãzvan and Crăciun Bogdan