Volume 16, 2010
Volume 5, December 2004
15, 2010
›Volume 14, 2010
13, 2009
›Volume 12, 2009
›Volume 11, 2008
›Volume 10, 2008
›Volume 9, 2007
›Volume 8, 2007
7, 2006
6, 2005
›Volume 5, 2004
›Volume 4, 2001
›Volume 3, 2000
›Volume 2, 1999
1, 1999 |
Notes on Contributors
Charlotte BEYER is a contemporary
literature specialist, whose teaching areas include recent
British fiction and poetry; North American literature from
the 19th Century to the present day; black British and
postcolonial literature; and crime fiction. Dr Beyer has
published a number of articles on Margaret Atwood’s fiction
and poetry, and a book chapter, and a recent article on
Willa Cather’s journalism and travel writing. She has also
published on crime fiction, as well as on Jackie Kay and
Isha McKenzie-Mavinga, and on Doris Pilkington’s
Rabbit-Proof Fence.
E-mail: cbeyer@glos.ac.uk
Karin COPE is Associate Professor of Historical and Critical
Studies at NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design)
University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Author of
Passionate Collaborations: Learning to Live With Gertrude
Stein (2005), a study of Stein and some of her relationships
that argued that the practices of fiction, drama, poetry and
the visual arts are not simply the objects of critical
theory, but often enough, its very best medium, she is
currently at work on a collection of essays tentatively
entitled, What Can Literature Do? on the imaginative work of
Toni Morrison.
E-mail: kcope@nscad.ca
Eric GILDER is presently Associate Professor at the Linton
Global College of Hannam University (Korea) in the
Department of Communication and Culture. He is also a
University Professor and Fellow of the ‘C. Peter Magrath’
Center of International Academic Cooperation at the Lucian
Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania), holding a Ph.D. in
Communication (rhetorical emphasis) from The Ohio State
University (USA). Author of three books and multiple
studies, he has published extensively in Romanian, American
and international journals and books on topics of
communication (rhetoric, mass media and theory), cultural
studies, and international higher educational policy and
practice. He is a member of the Society for Research into
Higher Education (UK), The World Association of Christian
Communication (Canada) and the World Futures Studies
Federation (USA).
E-mail: egilder57@yahoo.com
Yvonne GUTENBERGER is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies
at the University of Mainz, where she is conducting research
on “Life Writing and Theory: Contemporary African American
Academics' Autobiographical Writings” as a fellow of the
doctoral college on Life Writing. She has done research at
Columbia University, New York, and taught at the English
Departments of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. Her publications
include articles on African American and transcultural life
E-mail: gutenb@uni-mainz.de
Mervyn HAGGER is an independent scholar whose work is
closely associated with Dr. Eric Gilder and The John
Lilburne Research Institute (for Constitutional Studies).
Since 2001, Gilder and Hagger have collaborated upon a
series of academic articles arising out of a study of the
history of publishing and broadcasting, and their
relationship to the acts of governmental licensing as a
means of political censorship.
E-mail: mervynhagger@hotmail.com
David Brian HOWARD is Associate Professor of Art History in
the Division of Historical and Critical Studies at the Nova
Scotia College of Art and Design University in Halifax, Nova
Scotia. He has published numerous articles and book chapters
on the history and politics of Modernism in the United
States and Canada after World War II, and, most recently,
has published the article “From the Missile Gap to the
Culture Gap: Modernism in the Fallout from Sputnik,” in
Michael Ryan (ed.) Cultural Studies: An Anthology. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, 2008. He is completing a book project
entitled Gnawing on Skulls: Allegory in the Age of the
American Empire and has begun work on the second of what is
projected to be a three volume series.
E-mail: dhoward@nscad.ca
Silvia IRIMIEA is Associate Professor at Babes-Bolyai
University of Cluj. She holds a PhD in the field of
educational linguistics and has acquired considerable
experience in EFL, linguistics and communication studies.
Her more in-depth academic interests are in vocational
linguistics, discourse studies, applied linguistics, and
writing and mass media, areas in which she has published
widely. Her publications include 7 books (Text Linguistics,
Vocational and Education Training and Its Implementation in
Romania, , A Guidebook to Professional Writing, English for
International Tourism: English for Tourism Managers, English
for Tourism Agents, American Political Institutions),and a
large number of articles.
Silvia Irimiea benefited from several research scholarships
from prestigious universities in the UK, Ireland and USA.
She has participated in numerous international and national
conferences and symposia on EU training policies, vocational
training in Europe, ESP and evaluation and has coordinated
several Leonardo da Vinci training projects aimed at
aligning the Romanian academic and vocational training
institutions to the European standards. The experience
acquired has broadened her expertise in educational
management, Dr Irimiea being also Director of the Centre for
Tourism Training in Cluj-Napoca. She is an active member of
several European professional associations and networks.
E-mail: s_irimiea@yahoo.com
Raluca MOLDOVAN is an historian specializing in the history
and representation of the Holocaust in cinema, among other
subjects. She has been teaching in the American Studies
programme at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, since
2004; her courses and seminars include American History,
American Film and American Popular Culture. She is currently
preparing the manuscript of her doctoral thesis – The
representation of the Holocaust on Film – for publication
and is also working on a series of studies examining the
relationship between history and cinema. She is a member of
the Romanian Association for American Studies and the
Association for the Study of Nationalities (Columbia
University, New York). She lives in Cluj, Romania.
E-mail: raluca@euro.ubbcluj.ro
Adriana NEAGU is Associate Professor of Anglo-American
Studies at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She is the
author of Sublimating the Postmodern Discourse: toward a
Post-Postmodern Fiction in the Writings of Paul Auster and
Peter Ackroyd (2001), In the Future Perfect: the Rise and
Fall of Postmodernism (2001), and of numerous critical and
cultural theory articles. Dr Neagu has been the recipient of
several pre- and postdoctoral research awards. Previous
academic affiliations include an Andrew W. Mellon
postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Edinburgh and
visiting positions at Oxford University, University of
Bergen, University of East Anglia, and University of London.
Her teaching areas are diverse, combining literary and
cultural studies disciplines. Her main specialism is in the
poetics of modernist and postmodernist discourse,
postcolonial theory and the literatures of identity, and
translation theory and practice. At present her research
centres on new paradigms of cultural identity in the U.K.
Since 1999, Dr Neagu has been Advisory Editor and, since
2004, Editor-in-Chief of American, British and Canadian
Studies, the journal of the Academic Anglophone Society of
E-mail: adriananeagu@lett.ubbcluj.ro
Martin A. PARLETT is a graduate student and researcher at
the University of British Columbia. He is a current Rhodes
Scholar and graduate of Oxford University, teaching medieval
literature, language and culture. In 2008, Martin worked for
the Barack Obama campaign in Virginia, directing volunteer
activities and creating communication initiatives, receiving
high praise and recognition from the future president. His
work on political communication has been published in
academic contexts and the media, and is a past recipient of
The Oxford Leadership Prize. He is currently working on a
forthcoming publication: ‘Barack Obama: The Man Who Walked
His Way to the White House.’
E-mail: martin.parlett@gmail.com
William STEARNS is a political scientist who specializes in
contemporary political thought. His work usually concerns
the uses and abuses of political language and politics as
symbolic action. He has taught at the University of
Bucharest, University of Montana, St. John's University
(Minnesota), University of Michigan, Prescott College
(Arizona) and Lucian Blaga University (Sibiu, Romania). His
recent work has focused on collective memory and political
identity in Transnistria and Kaliningrad, and currently, his
research is an examination of the “constitution of the
Romanian communist subject” via an inquiry concerning the
origins, dissemination and function of humor in Romanian
culture during the Ceausescu years. He is a member of the
Faculty Committee for the International Forum, University of
Montana. He lives in Missoula, Montana (USA) and spends
summers in Cluj, Romania.
E-mail: wstearns22@msn.com |