Review Process

   Editorial & Peer Review Process

   0. For any information or support about/for the OPEN ACCES Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research scientific journal please contact the editors at:,

   1. The corresponding author submits the title and the working abstract to one of the editors at:,

   2. If in two-three days the authors are encouraged to submit the full paper, the authors should download the necessary ARTICLE TEMPLATE and follow exactly the general and specific editing requirements of the model. Submitted papers which do not completely fulfil editorial and template requirements will be rejected!

   3. The authors should prove that the paper was checked and corrected by an English native speaker, researcher or an appropriate language proofing service editor. Submitted papers which do not fulfil the language related requests, will be rejected!

   4. Editorial board members will check and accept/reject submitted papers against the desired topic/topics of the TRSER volume/volumes in progress or planned.

   5. Accepted papers for scientific peer review will be sent to minimum two (one from the country where the study was done and one from a different country) independent, double blind, external scientific peer reviewers, as many times as is needed to be finally accepted/rejected. The external peer reviewers' selection process will encourage the editors-reviewers-authors constructive collaboration.

   6. The authors will be informed by e-mail by the editors within two-four weeks about final acceptance/needed changes to be done in the manuscript/rejection of their papers.

   7. The authors of the accepted papers do not have to pay article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges (ASCs).

   8. Experienced researchers and editors are encouraged to plan and propose to the TRSER editors in chief, new TRSER articles, reviews or/and special issues.

   9. Researchers and editors with long and productive professional activities are encouraged to join the TRSER editorial board.

   10. Except the editors in chief, which are permanent in these positions, every TRSER volume has a different editorial board, adapted every time to the specificity of each such volume.

   Template Double Blind Peer Review TRSER English


Editorial Office

„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Applied Ecology Research Center, 5-7 Ratiu Street, Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, RO - 550012

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