Editing requirements

1. The submission of a manuscript assume that the paper is not being offered for publication elsewhere.

2. Electronic manuscripts, IBM compatible, through e-mail: ad.banaduc@yahoo.com.

3. Papers should be written in simple, concise and objective Standard English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an english-speaking colleague prior to submission.

4. No typing errors.

5. Original Papers should not exceed 20 single-spaced word processed pages, in the format/template requested by authors and received from the editors through email ad.banaduc@yahoo.com.

6. Paper should follow the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Only taxa of generic and sub-generic ranks should be italicised.

7. Methods must be described shortly but precisely enough to permit replication. You are strongly encouraged not to display formulas, except for original indices or in case of ambiguities. When using statistical tests, also avoid formulas and secondary mathematical results. Specify the name of the test, the value of the final statistics, the level of probability and the decision.

8. The tables, figures, legends and captions, must be included in the desired place in the text ready for reproduction (no separate files) and restricted to absolute minimum number necessary for documentation. The tables should be numbered with Roman numerals and the figures with Arabian numerals. Both of them should have brief and self-explanatory titles.

9. Avoid footnotes.

10. Subscripts and superscripts should be clear.

11. Spell out numbers "one" through "nine" in expository text, but use digits in all other cases if possible.

12. Citations in text, give name(s) of the Authors(s), followed by the year of publication (in brackets). Where there are more than two authors name only the first, followed by et al. Ex: (Banarescu, 1999; Banarescu et al., 2001).

13. Abbreviations of journals should follow the World List of Scientific Periodicals or a similar work.

14. Sequentially arrangement of the manuscript.

  1. First page should contain:
  2. a brief title;
  3. given name(s) and family name(s) of author(s);
  4. full author(s) professional address(es) and, if possible, e-mail;
  5. 3 abstracts of max 15 rows, one in Romanian, one in English and the third in French, Spanish or German.
  1. If is appropriate, we recommend that the content of the following pages should be organised as follow: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (if appropriate 2 separate subcapitols  RESULTS, DISCUSSION), ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, REFERENCES. These words should be written with boldface and upper case letters.

15. Primary titles should be written with boldface and upper case letters and on a separate line without indentation and numbering and with extra space above. For secondary titles use lower-case letters. Other subdivisions are not permitted.

16. Use of the metric system of measurement is preferable. Use the decimal system for precise measurement and relationship, common fractions for approximations. Use day/month/year sequence for dates: "1 March 2001". Omit space between initials of personal names: "J.W. Smith".

17. Sizes and quantities should be expressed in Système International (SI) units wherever possible. Chemical names should conform to the index guide of Chemical Abstracts.

18. References to illustrations and tables should be indicated as follows: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 2A, B), (Fig. 3A, 7C), (Fig. 1-7), (Table IV).

19. The titles of tables should be placed above them, centred, 10 cpi, italicised. Tables explanations and codes should be placed below them. The data enclosed in the tables should also be written with 10 cpi.

20. The titles of figures should be placed below them, left sided, 10 cpi, italicised.

21. No diagram, figure or map is to exceed one page.

22. A graphic scale bar is needed for each map.

23. Keep acknowledgements short.

24. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references. References should be listed alphabetically by authors at the end of the manuscript according to the examples below:

  1. Bielz, M., 1851 - Verzeichniss der Land- und  Süsswasser-Mollusken Siebenbürgens. Verh. Mitt. Siebenb. Nat., Hermannstadt, 2: 17 - 19.
  2. Smith, I.L., 2015 - Studiul detaliat si aprofundat al efectului razelor de luna asupra dentitiei lumbricidelor. Ed. Zglavoaca, Vascautii din Deal:1-715.

25. All three short abstracts should enter in the first page of each paper. One short abstract should be in English, a second one in Romanian (the editors can help with translation), and a third one in German, or French, or Spanish.

26. The published manuscripts and the manuscripts under the accepted standard, due to one or more of these requirements non-observance, or due to the referees decisions are not returnable to the authors. Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection within maximum 3 months after submission.

27. TRSER journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

For subscriptions or any other technical or pricing information feel free to contact the editors:




  Environmental Science – Ecology and Environmental Protection Bachelor Degree – in English

Editorial Office

„Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Applied Ecology Research Center, 5-7 Ratiu Street, Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, RO - 550012

Following scientific event!

The 9th Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference Sibiu, Romania, European Union, 20-24 September 2024 - In Memoriam of Angela Curtean-Banaduc -