› Volume 15, 2010
Volume 5, December 2004
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13, 2009
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7, 2006
6, 2005
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1, 1999 |
Ethnic Identity and the Jewish American Writers
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
it comes to the great American literature of the second half of the
century, one realizes that it cannot be discussed without taking into
account the fact that authors of Jewish American descent had a
considerable contribution to its development. Obviously, in most
cases, this special cultural background has had a considerable impact
at least on the subject matter and the vision that these writers
brought to the literary scene. However it is not an easy matter to
determine to what extent this ethnical heritage has led to the
creation of a radically different type of literature than the one
written by WASP writers for instance, the same way it is not easy to
define a hyphenated Jewish-American identity or the degree to which a
writer may accept such a label or acknowledge the influence that
his/her Jewishness had upon their works. The present article brings
together the diverse voices of some of these writers and literary
critics, centered around several issues like: for whom is the
Jewish-American literature written, what makes an “ethnic” writer
different from an “American” one, what is Jewish identity, how
visible it is in the works of these authors and how these elements
have survived in the literature of the contemporary multicultural
Jewish American writers, ethnic identity, affiliation, American
multiculturalism, target audience, assimilation, acculturation