› Volume 13, 2009 › Volume 5, December 2004 Archive: ›Volume 12, 2009 ›Volume 11, 2008 ›Volume 10, 2008 ›Volume 9, 2007 ›Volume 8, 2007 ›Volume 7,2006 ›Volume 6, 2005 ›Volume 5, 2004 ›Volume 4, 2001 ›Volume 3, 2000 ›Volume 2, 1999 ›Volume 1,1999 |
Conversations about Death: Julian
Barnes’s The Lemon Table |
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
This article
discusses a selection of The Lemon Table’s short
fictions as conversations that Barnes is conducting about
death and the following related topics: the nature of the
aging process and the question of whether it prepares us for
and softens the assault of death; the question of the
stability and integrity of the self in the face of death;
the degree to which values such as love can compensate for
the finality of mortal life; and the possibility of some
form of immortality, be it spiritual or artistic. Drawing on
Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism and Steven Connor’s
ideas about the addressive aspect of narrative, the article
analyzes the dialogues about death, arguing that some are
intratextual in that they involve characters within and
across the book’s stories. Barnes is also participating in a
kind of dialogue with other writers whose ideas he engages
with and whose techniques he adapts. He is also conversing
with himself, inasmuch as he revisits topics that he
explored in earlier books. Finally, he is also addressing
his actual readers. This article shows how the narrative
forms and techniques that Barnes utilizes in the stories
complicate and problematize this communication with readers,
rendering it circuitous and oblique. This complexity,
however, strengthens rather than weakens the communicative
bonds, because it complements and enhances the stories’
Julian Barnes, death, old age, addressivity, dialogism,
identity, memory, immortality, The Lemon Table