› Volume 13, 2009 › Volume 5, December 2004 Archive: ›Volume 12, 2009 ›Volume 11, 2008 ›Volume 10, 2008 ›Volume 9, 2007 ›Volume 8, 2007 ›Volume 7,2006 ›Volume 6, 2005 ›Volume 5, 2004 ›Volume 4, 2001 ›Volume 3, 2000 ›Volume 2, 1999 ›Volume 1,1999 |
“A peculiarly English idiosyncrasy?”
Julian Barnes’s Use of Lists in England, England |
University of Portsmouth
If nations are, as Benedict Anderson suggests, imagined
communities, then Julian Barnes’s 1998 novel England,
England is a perfect literary example as it depicts the
– quite literal – reconstruction of England with all her
national characteristics and stereotypes in the Isle of
Wight. This paper addresses questions of national identity
and nation building, considering Pierre Nora’s notion of
lieux de mémoire and their effect on a ‘national
consciousness’; it also assesses Benedict Anderson’s idea of
nations as imagined communities. In order to do so, the
paper focuses on Julian Barnes’s extensive use of ‘the list’
in the formation or creation of a national identity and
argues that, by doing so, Barnes targets contemporary
society’s obsession with labelling and naming everything,
even components of national ‘belonging’. The novel merges
reality and hyperreality, leaving the reader with the
uncomfortable realization that nothing is certain or
permanent, national identity least of all.
Julian Barnes, England, England, lists, lieux de
imagined communities, hyperreality |