› Volume 14, 2010
Volume 5, December 2004
13, 2009
›Volume 12, 2009
›Volume 11, 2008
›Volume 10, 2008
›Volume 9, 2007
›Volume 8, 2007
7, 2006
6, 2005
›Volume 5, 2004
›Volume 4, 2001
›Volume 3, 2000
›Volume 2, 1999
1, 1999 |
Literary Translation: Between
Mediation and Interpretation |
Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
Facilitating cultural dialogue through translation is one of
the most immediate and widely recognised outcomes of the
study of foreign languages. Whether written or oral,
translation involves the transfer not only of information
but of power from one culture to another. This crucial
principle of translation came into particularly sharp relief
during the communist period in Romania, when both the study
of English and the translation of English texts were
severely limited and kept under tight ideological and
institutional control. The last decade of the twentieth
century saw both a rapid proliferation of translations made
available in bookshops and increased interest in foreign
languages in schools and higher education. These testify to
significant social and economic changes that have
substantial cultural repercussions. At the same time,
Romanian literature still makes its way to bookshops and
libraries abroad with comparative difficulty. This chapter
is a diachronic survey of the study and practice of literary
translation from and into the English language during the
twentieth century, of their cultural implications and of the
attendant cultural policies that conditioned the reception
of translated texts, and an interrogation of their legacy in
the twenty-first.
Keywords: Literary translation, Translation
Studies, translation theory, higher education, literary
studies, cultural studies, Romania, communism,
post-communism, comparative literature