› Volume 14, 2010
Volume 5, December 2004
13, 2009
›Volume 12, 2009
›Volume 11, 2008
›Volume 10, 2008
›Volume 9, 2007
›Volume 8, 2007
7, 2006
6, 2005
›Volume 5, 2004
›Volume 4, 2001
›Volume 3, 2000
›Volume 2, 1999
1, 1999 |
Conceptualising Classroom
Observations for a Project on Higher Education English
Studies in Non-Anglophone Contexts |
The Open University
This paper discusses the conceptual considerations that
underpin classroom teaching observations within the research
methodology for a project on Higher Education English
Studies in ordinarily non-Anglophone contexts. The
parameters of the broad project are outlined, and the
methodological purpose served by classroom teaching
observations therein explained. A survey of the various
strands of existing classroom research follows, highlighting
the relevant aspects of each for this project. A section
briefly considers what sort of initial conceptual
understanding of the classroom is suitable, and three
frameworks – exploiting notions of spatiality, culture and
performance – are recommended. How observer-interference in
the classroom may be negotiated is briefly considered in the
final section.
Keywords: Classroom research, teaching
observation, classroom conceptualized, language teaching,
literature teaching, cultural studies