Instructions for Authors

Studia Securitatis Journal is a journal that offers full open access policy without any fees

Studia Securitatis Journal is issued on June and December.

Deadlines for Submission

For the 1st Issue: 15th of April
For the 2nd Issue: 15th of October

Studia Securitatis Journal does not have article processing charges (APC`s) or article submission charges. Studia SecuritatisJournal is dedicated to promoting open access to research and ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent the dissemination of knowledge. As part of this commitment, we do not charge any fees to authors for the submission, processing, or publication of their articles.

What This Means for Authors

Submission Fees: Authors are not required to pay any fees when submitting their manuscripts for consideration.

No Article Processing Charges (APC): There are no fees charged upon acceptance of the manuscript for editorial processes, peer review, or production.

No Publication Fees: Authors are not charged for the online hosting and dissemination of their articles.

Commitment to Open Access [Journal Name] provides free and immediate access to all published articles, ensuring that research findings are accessible to readers worldwide without any financial constraints. This model is supported by [institutional funding/sponsorship/partnerships], allowing us to uphold the principles of open access.

Supporting Researchers Globally Our no-fee policy is designed to support researchers from all regions, including those from low- and middle-income countries, ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder the publication and dissemination of high-quality research.

Contact Information For any questions regarding our no-fee policy or other inquiries, please contact us at [contact email]. By adopting a no-fee policy, [Journal Name] strives to foster an inclusive and equitable platform for the dissemination of research, contributing to the global exchange of knowledge without financial barriers.

General Specifications

  • Papers are received in electronic form at
  • Papers should be between 4000 and 10.000 words (6-15 pages), written in English
  • Each article should contain:
    • an Abstract (150-200 words) in English
    • up to five Keywords in English
    • up to 15 footnotes
    • at least 10 scientific sources on bibliography (books, scientific articles, studies, published or unpublished documents, etc.)

We suggest that you consult a native speaker or a specialist in English, for fluency of your text.

*Editorial policy specifications:

  1. If an article has many authors, their order will be decided by the title of scientific and academic rank of authors, in descending order. In the case of a tie, the order will be alphabetical by author’s surname;
  2. If the institutional affiliation of authors at the Faculty of Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science and Security Studies Department (as professors, associated professors, master, master graduates, students or graduates of undergraduate studies), this affiliation is mandatory for membership as identification dates. The author is able to claim another quality (and only one), which will be settled after afiliation to the Faculty of Social Sciences – Department of International Relations, Political Science and Security Studies. This will appear in printed form of the article only if relevant to the our research domain. Decision on the relevance belongs to the editorial board;
  3. The papers proposed for publication will be checked against plagiarism through the software recommended by the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu;
  4. No publication fees are charged!

We strongly recommend to download the template above.

Style Guidelines

“Studia Securitatis” uses the following editing frame:

Page SettingsSize: A4 8.27”/11.69”; Margins: top, bottom, right 0,6”;   left – 08”; one row identation
Article TitleUppercase; size 12; bold; centered; one row identation; Times New Roman (TNR)
Author nameSize 12 right alignment; first letter of Forename in Caps, italic and bold; Name in Caps, italic and bold; one row identation; (TNR)
AffiliationSize 11; right alignment; italic and bold; one row identation; (TNR)
AbstractSize 11; italic; justify; one row identation; (TNR)
KeywordsSize 11; justify; bold; one row identation;(TNR)
Article`s body Size 11; justify; one row identation; (TNR)
TablesFollowed by a title and source in footnotes; reference to the table must be made in round brackets (Table 1) within the article`s text; one row identation; (TNR)
Charts and figuresClearly so as to be legible in black and white printing, must be accompanied by a title and source in footnotes; referring to graphs and figures must be done in round brackets (Figure 1); one row identation;(TNR)
Formulas and equationsNumbered consecutively in parentheses: (1), (2) etc.; one row identation; (TNR)
Bibliographical notesArranged in the bottom of the page (footnotes) numbered in ascending order, size 10, justify, one row identation; (TNR)
BibliographyArranged in alphabetical order at the end of the document, for every bibliographial cathegory (books, articles, studies, documents, etc.), one row identation; (TNR)

: TNR, 11, Justify (Access Toolbar/References/Insert Footnote)

[1] The rule – book (one author): Forename Name, The title of the book, Publishing, Place, Year, p./pp. (if more than one page)
Kristian, Coates, Ulrichsen, Qatar, and the Gulf Crisis, Hurst&Company Publishers, London, 2020, p. 58
[1] The rule – book (multiple authors): Forename Name, Forename Name, The title of the book, Publishing, Place, Year, p./pp. (if more than one page)
Joseph Jr. Nye, David A.Welch, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation, Pearson, New Jersey, 2013, pp. 73-78
[1] Ibidem, p. 129 (using the same source as in the previous footnote, but different page)
[1] The rule – article/study (one author/multiple authors): Forename Name, The title of the article/study, ”Journal”, Vol., No., Month (if available), Year, p./pp. (if more than one page)
Erin Murrok, Joy Amulya, Mehri Druckman, Tetiana Liubyva, Winning the War on State-Sponsored Propaganda: results from an Impact Study of a Ukrainian News Media and Information Literacy Program, “Journal of Media Literacy Education”, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018, p. 54
[1] Idem (using the exact same source as in the previous footnote)
[1] Kristian, Coates, Ulrichsen, Op. cit., pp. 142-144 (using a book/article/study already mentioned previously)
[1] The rule – article/study by net: Forename Name, The title of the article/study, ”Journal”, Vol., No., Month, Year (if available), link, date of accessing the link in brackets
Maria Haigh, Thomas Haigh, Tetiana Matychak, Information Literacy vs. Fake News: the Case of Ukraine, in “Open Information Science”, June 2019,, (28.06.2023)
Even Hellan Larsen, Deliberate Nuclear First Use in an Era of Asymmetry: A Game Theoretical Approach, ”Journal of Conflict Resolution”, 2023, Deliberate Nuclear First Use in an Era of Asymmetry: A Game Theoretical Approach – Even Hellan Larsen, 2023 (, (28.06.2023)
[1] The rule – documents: Organization, Institution (if available), The complete title of the document, link, date of accessing the link in brackets
European Commission, Code of Practice against Disinformation, 2018
Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight, 2003/50/en/1 /ef0 350en.pdf, (28.06.2023)
TNR 11, bold, center, at least 10 references to books, studies, articles, and other relevant sources
(alphabetical order, numbering, according to the book`s cover)
The rule (one author): Name, Forename, The title of the book, Publishing, Place, Year
1.      Ulrichsen, Kristian, Coates, Qatar, and the Gulf Crisis, Hurst&Company Publishers, London, 2020
The rule (multiple authors): Name, Forename; Name, Forename; Name, Forename, The title of the book, Publishing, Place, Year
Nye, Joseph, Jr.; Welch, A. David, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation, Pearson, New Jersey, 2013
Studies and Articles
(alphabetical order, numbering)
The rule (one author/multiple authors): Name, Forename, The title of the article/study, ”Journal”, Vol., No., Month (if available), Year
1.  Murrok, Erin; Amulya, Joy; Druckman, Mehri; Liubyva, Tetiana, Winning the War on State-Sponsored Propaganda: results from an Impact Study of a Ukrainian News Media and Information Literacy Program, “Journal of Media Literacy Education”, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018
The rule (article/study by net): Name, Forename, The title of the article/study, ”Journal”, Vol., No., Month, Year (if available), link
2.  Haigh, Maria; Haigh,Thomas; Matychak, Tetiana, Information Literacy vs. Fake News: the Case of Ukraine, in “Open Information Science”, June 2019,
3.  Larsen, Even, Hellan, Deliberate Nuclear First Use in an Era of Asymmetry: A Game Theoretical Approach, ”Journal of Conflict Resolution”, 2023, Deliberate Nuclear First Use in an Era of Asymmetry: A Game Theoretical Approach – Even Hellan Larsen, 2023 (
(alphabetical order, numbering)
The rule: Organization, Institution (if available), The complete title of the document, link
1.   European Commission, Code of Practice against Disinformation, 2018
2.  Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight, _files/pubdocs/ 2003/50/en/1 /ef0 350en.pdf
(alphabetical order, numbering; mention all the home pages you used)
The rule: home page
Papers must contain bibliographical footnotes (at least 15) and a final bibliography (at least 10 references to books, studies, articles, and other relevant sources)