
Papers will be sent to the e-mail address:

The Algorithm of Evaluation:

  1. It examines the compliance with the recommendations for authors. In case of non-compliance of their article, the authors will receive article in order to remedy the deficiencies;
  2. Articles that have received confirmation of acceptance from the editorial board are distributed for evaluation, by chief editor, to two scientific reviewers, depending on security issues and geopolitical space for which reviewers have expertise. Author’s identity is not known by rewievers; rewiever’s identity is not known by authors (”double-blind procedure”);
  3. Scientific reviewers analyze received papers, based on the evaluation grid developed by the Scientific Committee, as follows: evaluation CriteriaScore; the novelty of the proposed theme; correct use bibliographic notes and bibliography; originality solving addressed problems; actuality and utility of presented solutions; clarity, brevity and accuracy of the expressions; proper use of specialized language; relevant bibliographic sources;
  4. The results of evaluations are transmitted to responsible for each number, established by the chief editor;
  5. Articles that have received positive resolution from the scientific referees becomes proposals for the content of the current issue. Scientific referee’s suggestions for articles that do not respond scientific requirements are sent to authors by the current issue responsible care, to correct identified problems. If these authors recover the items, they are returned in the evaluation process, starting with point 1;
  6. Editorial Board consider and determine articles accepted in the next issue of magazine, based on proposals of the current issue responsible.
  7. The chief editor presents the Scientific Board proposals for the current issue, and Scientific Board finally decides the form and content, according to the scores established by the evaluators, in descending order;
  8. Based on this decision, the current issue responsible together with the chief editor coordinates magazine publication and distribution; the estimated time of manuscript processing: 30 days.

In the first stage the articles are assessed by the Editorial Board and Scientific Reviewers, and if they don’t meet the techno-editing requirements they are returned to the author in order to be revised. The second stage represents the confirmation one, where the Editor-in-Chief distributes the papers to two scientific reviewers. There are cases when a third opinion is required. The scientific reviewers/specialists analyse the articles according to the Peer Review Evaluation Form issued by the Scientific Board according to the model.

Necessarily, the authors who submitted articles will be answered on one of the following:

  1. Acceptance of the paper in the sent version;
  2. Acceptance of the paper with minimal corrections;
  3. Acceptance of the paper under the conditions proposed by the evaluators;
  4. Rejection of the paper.