Arduino Data Acquisition System for Monitoring Quality of Life Parameters in a Room
Alexandru Matei
Data acquisition is the process of collecting information from various sources throughsensors or instruments. After obtaining the da ta, it is usually converted from the analogueformat to a digital format.In this paper an a pplication that gathers room-related information is presented. The purposeof such a system would be to be able to monitor certain parameters of interest in a livingspace. Afterwards this data can be used in various manners. One of the most importantresults of this data is being able to identify the habitability of a room . It can point outpotential health hazards before they cause actual health problems. An additional objective isfor the system to be on an accessible budget and to be easy to understand and implement .The hardware system using Arduino is presented in detail, as well as the graphical userinterface created in Visual Studio.The system works as intended for the purposes stated above. It measures: temperature,humidity, light intensity, sound, and air qua lity. It works on its own if it is supplied with a 9-volt power source. The Graphical User Interface can be used to visualise and analyse thecollected data . The system can still be improved by adding wireless communication such asWi-Fi and allowing it to be integrated into Internet of Things sy stems. The powerconsumption could be improved if needed for higher sampling frequency demands.