A Systematic Method of Generating Intuitive Bivariate Colour Legends


  • Catalina Neghina Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


Colour is used increasingly often as quantitative indicator of combined continuous features such as temperature and humidity on geographical maps, or deformity on two axes in medical diagnosis. As such, generating flexible bivariate legends with particularly tough colour constraints for specific combinations of the variables has come to the forefront. The paper presents a systematic method of generating bivariate legends by first selecting a convenient colour subspace and then adjusting it through image processing techniques. The proposed method can generate a wide variety of legends with smart choices of parameters but remains simple enough to be worthy of consideration by specialists (in various fields) whose representations may benefit by becoming better intelligible. These legends can be used for pseudo-colouring of maps, diagrams, and many other images and graphical representations. An example is also provided for a comprehensive colouring to be used in the medical diagnosis of spine deformity.





