Subjects / Coverage:
- Economics
- Business
- Management
- Marketing
- International business
- Accounting
- Banking & Finance
- Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
Indexed and Abstracted in:
EBSCO – Business Source Complete:
Index Copernicus:
Ulrich`s Periodicals Directory:
Cabell's Directory
Review Process
All manuscripts are double – reviewed by an editor and a member of the Editorial Board or a qualified outside reviewer. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible, and the SBE journal will notify the reviewers’ comments to authors within 2 months. The result of the reviewing process will be:
- paper accepted
- paper accepted under condition(s) – the editorial board will re-review manuscript;
- paper rejected.
The manuscript must follow some basic requirements:
- the article must be an original one, which has not been published previously and is not under evaluation process elsewhere;
- the paper should have between 3000 and 7000 words in length;
- below the article’s title should be placed:
- the author’s name(s) – with their affiliation and e-mail address;
- a 200 words abstract of the paper;
- 3-5 key-words;
- the body of the article should be in Arial font at 10 points – with the exception of the title, which must be at 14 points – spaced at 1.2
- page setup:
- Paper: Envelope B5
- Margins: Top 1.5 cm, Bottom 1.5 cm, Inside (Left) 2.0 cm, Outside (Right) 2.0 cm
- all the papers will be submitted electronically, as MS Word format file, to the e-mail address:
- the articles should not have any footnotes; all the references will be placed within the body of the paper (author, year), and they should be founded on the bibliography at end of the article, on the following format:
Herciu, M., Ogrean, C., (2008), Interrelations between competitiveness and responsibility at macro and micro level, Management Decision, Vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1230-1246.
Albu, L.-L. (2002): Macroeconomie non-lineară şi prognoză – teorie şi aplicaţie (Non-Linear Macroeconomics and Forecast – Theory and Aplications), Expert, Bucharest.
- Example for Internet sites:
Ghosh, J., Havlik, P., Ribeiro, M., Urban, W. (2009), Models of BRICs’ Economic Development and Challenges for EU Competitiveness, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Research Reports, 359, December, available online at
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
