ISSN 1583-1817
Editor:Sabin Adrian LUCA („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu; Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu; Romania)
Paul NIEDERMAIER (Correspondent Member of the Romanian Academy),
Dumitru PROTASE (Honorary member of Romanian Academy), Michael WHITE (Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom),
Krum BACVAROV (Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria),
Zeno-Karl PINTER („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania)
Marin CÂRCIUMARU („Valahia” University of Târgovişte, Romania), Nicolae URSULESCU („Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania),
Gheorghe LAZAROVICI („Eftimie Murgu” University of Reşiţa, Romania)
Secretary: Cosmin Ioan SUCIU („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania) |
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Address: Bd-ul. Victoriei, Nr. 5-7, Sibiu, 550024, România
Tel: +40-(0)-269 21.44.68; Fax: +40-(0)-269 21.44.68
Int. 104, 105
Published - 1 volume /year
main editor: prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian LUCA; secretary: Cosmin Suciu;

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Sabin Adrian Luca, Foreword……………………………………….....................................................……….. 7
Małgorzata Kaczanowska, Janusz K. Kozłowski,
The Körös and the early Eastern Linear Culture in the northern part of the Carpathian basin: a view from the perspective of lithic industries .................................................................................................................. 9
Sabin Adrian Luca, Cosmin Ioan Suciu,
Migrations and local evolution in the Early Neolithic of Transylvania. The typological-stylistic analysis and the radiocarbon data …………… ...................................................................................................................39
Radian-Romus Andreescu, Pavel Mirea,
Teleorman Valley. The beginning of the Neolithic in Southern Romania ...…………………………………… 57
Corneliu Beldiman Diana-Maria Sztancs,
Paléotechnologie et néolithisation dans la partie sud de la Transylvanie, Roumanie: l’industrie des matières dures animales de la culture Starčevo-Criş dans le site Miercurea Sibiului-Petriş, Dép. de Sibiu, Roumanie ............ 77
Georgeta El Susi,
The comparative analyze of faunal samples from Sites dated in Starčevo-Körös-Criş Culture – phases IB-IIA from Transylvania and Banat .......................................................................................................................... 91
Nicolae Ursulescu,
Le „Modèle Enkidu” et le concept de „Révolution” Néolithique ………………………………………………. 107
Marco Merlini, Gheorghe Lazarovici,
Settling discovery circumstances, dating and utilization of the Tărtăria tablets…………………………......... 111
Tibor Marton,
Development of pottery style on the LBK settlement of Balatonszárszó–Kis-Erdei-Dűlő in Hungary…………... 197
Dan Buzea, Mirela Cotruţă, Björn Briewig,
Experimental Archaeology. The construction of a fire installation (hearth) on the model of those discovered at Păuleni Ciuc – Ciomortan “Dâmbul Cetăţii", Harghita County ……………… ........................................................ 217
