9, 2007
Volume 5, December 2004
8, 2007
Volume 7, 2006
Volume 6, 2005
Volume 5, 2004
Volume 4, 2001
Volume 3, 2000
Volume 2, 1999
Volume 1, 1999
“Suppose the truth were awful”:
Reflections on Morality without God
in Iris Murdoch’s The Time of the Angels |
Liverpool Hope University
This paper examines the outworking of Iris Murdoch’s moral
philosophy in her novel The Time of the Angels. One of Murdoch’s
philosophical projects was to construct a vision of the Good
which could fund an adequate morality within a non-theistic
framework. This counters claims that in a post-religious era
morality has lost all moorings and foundations. The Time of the
Angels presents several characters struggling with the issue of
moral life within a Godless age and experiencing abjection in
their failure to come fully to terms with it. The crisis of
meaning with regard to God the Father is paralleled by crises in
relations with one of the central figures, Father Carel Fisher;
replete with Freudian themes, Carel’s incestuous relations with
one of his daughters and subsequent suicide shatter the enclosed
world of the Rectory. Each character struggles to locate meaning
and value in the world in their futures paths. Such successes as
they have can be related to key themes in Murdoch’s moral
philosophy – the relationship between love and death, the
acceptance of contingency and transience, and the importance of
the individual and the everyday.
Keywords: Iris Murdoch, The Time of the Angels, God and the
Good, Moral Philosophy and Literature, Abjection and the death
of God, Morality without God