In the present society libraries are not only an active component of the process of acquiring, processing, communication, preservation and archiving of information resources. Developments in information technology and communications turns library into a public space for communication. In the information society development of library led to the establishment and redefining its roles: information, enlightenment and socialization are the main features of contemporary library. Library become an educational, cultural and social center and also a tool for promoting research experiences and a means by which community members can participate in the social life. One of the fundamental issues that need to consider when talking about the role of public space of communication and library must assume is the understanding that the user needs have changed. Moreover, increasing and diversifying social needs manifests itself as a service request, and, to this end, one important characteristic of contemporary library should represent the increasing complexity of services offered to users. The library becomes an integrator public space where librarians must come to meet users both physical and virtual means. The library becomes a public space endowed with information resources in all areas and all genres.References
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