Monede 1-18 (in work)






ISBN 973-7951-59-X, Editura Nereamia Napocae – Cristian Matos, Hunedoara 2004

Volum îngrijit de: Cristian C. Roman, Dragoş Diaconescu, Nicolae Cerişer


Prelucrare Web: Cosmin Suciu; Powered by: Institutul pentru Cercetarea Patrimoniului Cultural Transilvanean în Context European (IPTCE)



Silviu Istrate Purece, Cristian C. Roman, Dragos Diaconescu* ,NEW COINS FROM THE CORVINS’ CASTLE MUSEUM’S COLLECTION FROM HUNEDOARA, pages 181-185




Rezumat – Noi monede din colecţia Castelului Corvinilor din Hunedoara. În acest articol autorii continuă publicarea monedelor din colecţia Muzeului „Castelul Corvinilor” din Hunedoara. Monedele au fost împărţite în trei categorii: monede fără loc de descoperire, monede rezultate în urma cercetărilor arheologice din punctul „Grădina Castelului” şi monede găsite în lada de breaslă a cizmarilor din Hunedoara.


In this article, our main purpose is to continue publishing coins with a well determined finding place that can be found within the framework of Corvin Castle Museum's collection from Hunedoara. 

In the following article we have included coins that were found during the archeological excavations at Hunedoara -,,Grădina Castelului”, as well as the coins found in the  shoemakers guild's chest from Hunedoara that now exists in the patrimony of „Castelul Corvinilor” Museum of Hunedoara.

We also included on the list below another two more coins without known discovery place, but that we consider to have a special place in the framework of the museum    collection: the denar issued by Mattia Corvin and another one issued by Ferdinand I.

Regarding the coins with a well determined finding place, these have been classified after their discovery place and after the order of their issue, making it possible to shape the image of the monetary group's structure found in shoemakers guild's chest from Hunedoara. In this way we can notice that the oldest coin found in the chest is a greschl coin belonging to Maria Theresia, minted for Transylvania in 1764.The most recent piece is a kreuzer coin which dates from the reign of Franz Joseph the First, issued in 1892. We have to mention that the pieces are well preserved, although, in some cases, can be noticed signs of oxidizing because the coins have not been yet in a conservation laboratory.

The coins have been classified after the finding place for a better correlation with the discovery context. So they have been classified in three categories: coins without known finding place, coins resulted from archeological research and coins resulted from the shoemakers guild's chest from Hunedoara.


Coins without known finding place


1. Mattia Corvin (1458-1490)

Inv. nr.: 3818;

Denar, 1463, S, sigle:   ;

Cat. nr[1].: Huszár[2], nr. 706.

2. Ferdinand I (1526-1657)

Without inv. nr.;

Denar, 1527 ?, S, sigle: K-B;

Cat. nr.: Huszár, nr. 935.







Coins from archaeological site of Hunedoara-„Grădina Castelului”


3. Sigismund III of Wasa (1587-1632)

Without inv. nr.;

3 groşi, 1622, S, sigle: ٠٠;

F. p.: S IV/2001, square 7, -0,15-0,40 m;

Cat. nr.: Gumowski[3], p. 128, nr. 1138.

4. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Without inv. nr.;

1 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, sigle: A;

F. p.: S IV/2001 0/-10 m;

Cat. nr.: Austria[4], p. 22, nr. 7.


5. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Without inv. nr.;

3 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, sigle: E;

F. p.: S III/1999, square 7, -0,30-0,40;

Cat. nr.: Austria, p. 23, nr. 8.



Coins from Hunedoara shoemakers guild`s chest


6. Maria Theresia (1740-1780)

Inv. nr.: 3845;

1 Greschl, 1764, Co;

Cat. nr.:  Resch[5], p.208, nr.120.


7. Leopold II (1790-1792)

Inv. nr.: 3844;

20 Kreuzer, 1792, S, sigle: B;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 16, nr. 7.

8. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3840;

1 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, siglă ilizibilă;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 22, nr. 7.


9. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3841;

1 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, sigle: A;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 22, nr. 7.

10. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Without inv. nr.;

1 Kreuzer, 1812, Co, sigle: E;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 14.


11. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3825;

3 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, sigle: B;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 8.

12. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3846;

3 Kreuzer, 1800, Co, sigle: B;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 8.

13. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3842;

3 Kreuzer, 1812, Co, sigle : O;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 15.


14. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3847;

5 Kreuzer, 1815, S, sigle: A;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 25, nr. 30.

15. Franz II (I) (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3823;

15 Kreuzer, 1807, Co, sigle: A;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 10.


16. Franz II (I)  (1792-1835)

Inv. nr.: 3822;

30 Kreuzer, 1807, Co, sigle: S;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 23, nr. 11.

17. Franz Joseph I (1848-1916)

Inv. nr.: 3827;

1 Kreuzer, 1851, Co, sigle: E;

Cat. nr.:  Austria, p. 50, nr. 5.


18. Franz Joseph I (1848-1916)

Without inv. nr.;

1 Kreuzer, 1892, Co, sigle: K.B;

Cat. nr.:  Huszár, nr. 2187.










* Facultatea de Istorie „Nicolae Lupu”, Sibiu, B-dul Victoriei, nr. 5-7; Muzeul „Castelul Corvinilor”, str. Curtea Corvineştilor, nr. 1-3, 331141, Hunedoara, tel 0254.711423,

[1] We used following abbreviations: Cat. Nr.= Catalog number; F. p. = Finding place; Co = Copper; S = Silver; Inv. nr. = inventar number.

[2] Lajos Huszár, Münzkatalog. Ungarn, München, 1979.

[3] Marian Gumowski, Handbuch der polonischen Numismatik, Graz, 1960.

[4]***, Austria  Münzkatalog, 1790-1989, Viena, 1990.

[5] Adolf Resch, Siebenbürgische Münzen und Medaillen, Sibiu, 1901.