Institutul pentru
Cercetarea Patrimoniului Cultural Transilvanean în Context European ACTA
1583-1817 Editura
Economică, Sibiu 2004 Author:
Paolo BIAGI |
Scopul lucrării este acela de a duce la zi
cunoştinţele referitoare la relaţiile dintre regiunea Balcanilor
şi nordul Italiei în epoca neolitică, în baza unor noi descoperiri
şi a unor recente luări de poziţie referitoare la acestea.
Impresia generală a fost că majoritatea obiectelor de cult din nordul
Italiei nu pot fi puse în legătură directă cu regiunea
balcanică, chiar dacă unele ar putea face parte din sisteme ideologice
The interest of the Italian
prehistorians in the relationships between the Balkan Peninsula and Italy began
to arise during the Forties and the Fifties. In those years, the excavations
under way at the Arene Candide Cave in Western Liguria revealed, for the first
time, material culture, ornaments and "cult" items that L. BERNABO
BREA (1946: 284-302) described to reflect "Balkan influences". A few
years later, P. LAVIOSA ZAMBOTTI (1954) wrote a long paper on the prehistory of
the Balkans and Italy. In the first chapter of her work she pointed out the
importance of the Adriatic Basin in the relationships between the two
countries. Following this author "…L'!talia Adriatica dunque nelle eta
preistoriche e protostoriche e cosi intimamente dipendente dalla finitima terra
Balcanica che e giocoforza di considerare i suoi sviluppi culturali nel
rapporto di intima dipendenza da quelli della penisola finitima nell'estremo nord-est della penisola
l'Italia e il retroterra istriano legano la terra balcanica al Veneto…" (LA
VIOSA ZAMBOTTI, 1954: 167).
According to BERNABO BREA
(1946: 284), the Balkan influences were characterized by the appearance of
square-mouthed vessels in the Middle Neolithic layers of the Arene Candide
Cave, just above the Early Neolithic Impressed Ware horizons, because of the
presence of very distintive new elements such as "…il vaso a bocca
quadrata e a bocca quadrilobata, Ie pintadere, i vasetti a pipa, gli idoletti
fittili, la ceramica dipinta, quella con decorazione rilevata ed incavata, il
motivo decorativo della spirale, gli anelli di Spondylus ecc…".
Although we now know that
many of these characters do not necessarily indicate any Balkan influence on
northern Italy, the Arene Candide Middle Neolithic Square-Mouthed Pottery
layers, which are radiocarbon-dated between the beginning and the middle of the
sixth millennium uncal. BP (MAGGI and CHELLA 1999), undoubtedly show
that important changes took place at the turn of
the seventh millennium uncal. BP. This new
culture seems to be rooted into the late aspects of the Impressed Ware Culture,
as both the new excavations at the Arene Candide and the results of the
research currently in progress in the neighbouring Provence should indicate
(BINDER pers. comm. 2003).
Reverting to the
above-mentioned paper of P. Laviosa Zambotti, it is important to point out the
relevance she gave to the relationships between Dalmatia and eastern Veneto in
prehistory. Her observations antedate the results obtained from the excavations
carried out in the Plain of Friuli during the last twenty years, which clearly
show that, at least at the beginning of the Neolithic, this region and the
Trieste Karst were part of the Danilo cultural and ideological world (BIAGI
The spread and distribution
of the Early Neolithic in northern Italy
This subject is still
largely debated since many changes have recently occurred in our knowledge of
the detailed chronology of the events, which took place during the seventh
millennium uncal. BP in the study region. Nevertheless, it is
increasingly evident that the first traces of neolithization in northern Italy
are those yielded by the western Ligurian cave sequences, where the Impressed
Ware Culture made its appearance around the beginning of the seventh millennium
uncal. BP. Although our knowledge of the Ligurian Early Neolithic is
still very limited and the Impressed Ware assemblages of this region do not
show the complexity and variability, which are typical of the neighbouring
Provence, the general impression is that groups of farmers inhabited the
Ligurian caves in a rather permanent way, although for brief periods, until the
end of the millennium. Immediately later they gave shape to the first aspects
of the Middle Neolithic Square-Mouthed Pottery Culture, around the beginning of
the sixth millennium uncal. BP.
Quite a different picture
is that of the north Adriatic coast, where the Danilo Culture, in its local
Vlaska variant (BARFIELD 1972), spread from south Dalmatia up to the Trieste
Karst just before the middle of the seventh millennium uncal. BP, as a
new series of radiocarbon dates from Edera Cave indicates (BIAGI 2003a). It
later moved further to the Friuli Plain, where a few open-air sites, such as
that of Sammardenchia di Pozzuolo, yielded typical Danilo Culture pottery as
well as "cult" objects, among which are ceramic rhyta (BIAGI
2003b) and phalli (CERMESONI et al. 1999). Why, and exactly when,
the Danilo Culture reached its maximum spread towards the northwest, is still
to be defined in detail. Nevertheless several data would confirm that, around
the middle of the same millennium, or slightly later, the Fiorano Culture, a
typical aspect of the central-eastern Po Valley Early Neolithic, spread
eastwards to the Friuli Plain.
In contrast, the central Po Plain seems to have been neolithized during the
second half of the same millennium. More precisely, the radiocarbon dates
currently available for the Fiorano Culture, whose distribution covers the
eastern part of the plain, mainly fall between the middle and the end currently
of the seventh millennium uncal. BP (fig. 1); while those of the Vhò Culture,
whose settlements are scattered in the western territories of the same plain,
are all included between the last two centuries of the same millennium and the
beginning of the sixth millennium uncal. BP (fig. 2) (BAGOLINI and BIAGI 1990;
IMPROTA and PESSINA 1999). The general impression is that the spread of the
neolithization process was not homogeneous all over the area discussed in this
paper. An important role was undoubtedly played by the cultural aspects, which
reached northeastern Italy from the Adriatic regions of Central Italy, where
the Fiorano Culture possibly originated, as suggested by some affinities with
the Ripoli Culture vessels, which are particularly clear in the occurrence of
the same type of four-handled flasks (BARFIELD 1972: 193). In this respect, the
role played by the Danilo Culture does not seem to have been very relevant. As
mentioned above, its spread reached the northeastern comer of Italy, where
typical Fiorano Culture carinated cups, have been found in close association
with characteristic Danilo Culture pottery shapes and decorations. The Alps
were the latest territory to be neolithized, as shown by the stratigraphies of
the most important Adige Valley sites of the Trento basin. Here the Early
Neolithic layers of Romagnano III and Gaban rock-shelters yielded radiocarbon
dates, which range between the end of the seventh and the first three centuries
of the sixth millennium uncal. BP (BAGOLINI and BIAGI 1990) (fig. 3).
The sixth millennium BP is characterized by the Square-Mounted Pottery
Culture, whose origin is most probably to be sought in the final aspects of the
Ligurian and Provence Impressed Wares. Opposite to what suggested by BERNABO
BREA (1946), at present there is little or no evidence to support a Balkan
origin of this Culture, although a few ornaments and "cult" items
would indicate the existence of some relationships between the Balkans and
northern Italy during the Middle Neolithic.
Relationships between the Balkan and north Italian ideological world
during the Neolithic?
The research currently in progress in central Croatia, between the courses
of the Sava and Drava Rivers, has demonstrated that the Starcevo Culture did
not spread beyond the foothills of the eastern Dinaric Alps (MINICHREITER
1994-1995). According to these results it is possible to conclude that this
culture did not take part in the process ofNeolithization of northeastern
Italy, as previously suggested. In effect, the archaeological record does not
show any real, direct contact between the Danubian world and northern Italy
during the Neolithic. Quite a different picture is that of the Dalmatian,
Danilo Culture, whose importance, has already been pointed out. Nevertheless it
is interesting to observe that at least two Early Neolithic Gaban Group
"cult" objects strongly resemble Danubian, more specifically Iron
Gates, types (BAGOLINI 1978). It is well known that the Mesolithic and Early
Neolithic layers of Gaban rock-shelter yielded a great number of
"art" and "cult" images, among which is one female figurine
carved from a fluvial pebble (fig. 4) and one human representation on a human
femur (fig. 5) decorated with spirals, waves, triangles, squares, lines and other
geometrical, scratched patterns, often grouped in vertical panels, which has
been interpreted as a musical instrument (RIGHINI 1975),. It is surprising to
notice that the faces of these two objects strongly recall images carved on the
Lepenski Vir stone statues, especially in the rounded or oval shape of their
mouths, ears and eyes. The layers from which the Lepenski Vir sculptures were
recovered are radiocarbon-dated between 7040:i:l00 BP (Bln-653) and 6560:i:l00
BP (Bln-655) (SREJOVIC, 1972: 209), which indicates that they are between some
one thousand and five hundred radiocarbon years older than the Gaban objects.
Moreover, it is important
to point out the great differences, which exist between the "cult"
images of the two main Balkan Early Neolithic cultural aspects discussed in
this paper, more precisely Starcevo, Danilo and the north Italian ones. The
Starcevo Culture types are represented by female and animal ceramic figurines,
stone statues, four-legged altars, scratched animal representations, and
plastic hands on the outer surface of globular pots, animal cult vessels and
stamp seals (BRUKNER 1979; GARASANIN 1979); the Danilo ones are essentially
four and twolegged rhyta (KOROSEC 1964: tables 8-11) and phalli (BATOVIC
1968), although rare female figurines are also present (KOROSEC 1964: table 4),
while the north Italian specimens consist of ceramic female figurines, bone and
stone female images and rare plastic and grooved human styli sed
representations on the inner or outer surfaces of ceramic vessels. This list of
the most typical "cult" items gives an immediate idea of the
differences, which exist within the ideological worlds of these three cultural
aspects. Furthermore we have to consider that no "cult" object has
ever been found at any of the Impressed Ware sites of northern Italy, that is
from the main culture involved in the neolithization of most of the coastal
regions of the country.
In one of his recent
papers, D. COPPOLA (1999-2000: figs. 18 and 19) has provided us with a critical
list of the Neolithic anthropomorphic representations of southeastern Italy.
They are either scratched on the outer surface of vessels, or consist of
plastic human faces, which decorate flask necks, with close parallels with
several Balkan specimens (see for instance GIMBUTAS 1982: fig. 119).
Although these images are
unknown to the Neolithic cultures of northern Italy, schematic human
representations occur on both Fiorano and Vhò Culture vessels, in the form of
grooved and plastic images. For instance, the Vhò Culture site of Travo, which
is located on the right terrace of a north Apennine valley, a plastic human
figure, on the inner surface of an open bowl, is surrounded by oblique and
vertical scratched patterns (fig. 6).
Apart trom these few cases,
the commonest figurines of Vhò and Fiorano Cultures are represented by
standing, simple standing female venuses of cylindrical shape, one of which is
double-headed (BAGOLINI AND BIAGI 1977).
The observations made on
the Square-Mouthed Pottery Culture assemblages of the Arene Candide Cave by
BERNABO BREA (1946), indicate that a major change took place, around the
beginning of the new millennium, not only in the material culture assemblages,
but also in the Middle Neolithic ideological world. This is reflected by the new
cave function, now partly utili sed as a graveyard, and by the occurrence of
many new items, which, have already been discussed in great detail by BERNABO
BREA (1946: 284).
The commonest
"cult" representations of this culture consist of female figurines
and stamp seals. Although several stylistic variants of the first are known to
date, two are particularly common: ”…figurines with a strongly flattened
crutch shaped body, generally seated, with which can probably be associated a
type with a stylised cylindrical head; and figurines with arms folded on the
chest and shoulder length hair…" (BAGOLINI and BIAGI 1977: 55). A
sample of phallus-shaped head trom the site of Quinzano Veronese (fig. 7, n. 1)
(GAGGIA 1978), finds parallels with some Early Neolithic types of northern
Greece (GIMBUTAS 1989: fig. 138); while a unique plastic image, which decorates
the outer surface of a deep vessel, has been discovered at Montano Lucino, a
Square-Mouthed Pottery settlement located on the top of Lake Como moraines, in western
Lombardy. It consists of a triangular human face, with incised, spiral eyes and
a triangular, pierced chin (BIAGI et al. 1986: 14) (fig. 7, n. 2). Its
shape recalls the faces of the Vinca Culture figurines, although differences
can be noticed especially in the shape of the eyes, the absence of the nose and
the incisions, which mark the mouth of the typical Vinca specimens (TASIĆ
Apart from this, no other close parallel can be
traced between the "cult" objects of north Italian Square-Mouthed Pottery
and those of the Vinca Culture, which are mainly represented by altars and
prosomorphic lids (STANKOVIĆ 1986).
Although the idea of Balkan
influences in northern Italy has been put forward several times (BAGOLINI and
BIAGI 1977), mainly because of the occurrence of female figurines and stamp
seals at many north Italian Neolithic sites, the evidence of direct contacts
between the two territories is very weak. In effect it is restricted to a few
pieces of 1) Carpathian obsidian recovered trom two northeastern Italian sites
(RANDLE et al. 1993), 2) typical Dalmatian polished stone chisels from
the Early Neolithic site of Sammardenchia di Pozzuolo (D'AMICO et al. 1992),
and 3) a few, Spondylus ornaments trom Early and Middle Neolithic, Po
Plain and the Adige Valley sites (ST ARNINI et al. 1999), although these
latter do not necessarily represent any direct relationship between the Balkan
Peninsula and Italy.
This picture contrasts with
that currently available for southeast Italy, where the close relationships
between Bosnia and the Apulian Tavoliere have been demonstrated thanks to the
discovery of imported vessels at Obre (BENAC 1975) and Passo di Corvo (TINE
1983: tables 118-123). Nevertheless the scientific analysis of the Early
Neolithic Impressed Wares has shown that ceramic vessels were never traded
across the Adriatic, at least during the first half of the seventh millennium
uncal. BP (SPATARO 2002).
Furthermore, the only
Neolithic Balkan culture involved in the neolithization of northern Italy did
not spread beyond the Friuli Plain. It is in this region that Danilo Culture
elements are known in form of characteristic, pottery "cult" items,
polished stones and obsidian artefacts of Carpathian origin. If we move west,
to the central Po Valley and the Alpine arc, we can observe that during both
the Early and the Middle Neolithic only the concept of Balkan female
"cult" images influenced the local ideological world. The best
indicators of such movement or transmission of ideas are represented by the
late seventh millennium BP, Gaban rock-shelter, mobile art, and a few SquareMouthed
Pottery female figurines that recall both Early Neolithic and Vinca Balkan