ACTA TERRAE SEPTEMCASTRENSIS XVI - 2017 (ISSN 1583-1817 (Print), ISSN 2392-6163 (Online), ISSN-L 1583-1817, cod CNCSIS: 581) |
ACTA TERRAE SEPTEMCASTRENSIS XVI Editor:Sabin Adrian LUCA („Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu; Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu; Romania) |
Editorial Board (en Peer Reviw process and Evaluation Form (en Guide for Authors (en
Address: Bd-ul. Victoriei, Published - 1 volume / year Main editor: In order to view PDF files on your computer, you must have a PDF reader program. Click on the link above to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Pentru a putea citi aceste fisiere aveti nevoie de programul Acrobat Reader, pe care il puteti descarca actionand butonul de mai sus
Anamaria TUDORIE, New Decorative Motifs Identified on the Starčevo-Criș Pottery from Cristian III (Sibiu County) Sabin Adrian LUCA, Florentin PERIANU, Sergiu CHIDEȘA, Some Details Regarding the Archeological Feature C23 from Turdaș-Luncă Site, Hunedoara County (II). The Preventive Excavations from 2011 |